Environmental Protection
The Frontis Dialysis Centres have adopted a number of measures and practices to ensure that we contribute to protecting the environment as much as we are able.
The steps we have taken relate to the way the centres are run and include the following:
Waste Management
An internal hazardous medical waste management regulation has been implemented, approved by the competent Health Region Management Service (DYPE). The regulation specifies who is responsible and lists the types of waste generated. It also describes how that waste should be managed.
Medical waste
None of the medical waste generated by the dialysis process, such as used dialysis filters, needles, gloves and all other items that come in contact with biological fluids, is indiscriminately disposed of into the environment. All the materials that come in contact with blood are separated, packed and picked up by a private provider, who handles them in accordance with the law.
Cleaning materials
All cleaning materials used in the clinic, including the disinfectant Citrosteril®, used to clean the dialysis machines after each use, are environmentally friendly and biodegradable.
Waste Management
In addition to medical waste, normal waste is also separated before disposal. More specifically:
Recycling - Blue garbage bins
- In cooperation with the Municipalities of Elefsina and Keratsini, we take an active part in the effort made to recycle plastic, glass and paper by using the blue garbage bins.
- Recycled paper and re-use of ink cartridges
- As far as paper is concerned, we strive to use only recycled paper. We also have our ink cartridges refilled. Primarily, though, we strive to ensure the following:
Rational use
- Recycling and re-use
Saving energy
As regards energy-consuming activities, actions are taken concerning:
- There are large windows, etc., in the building which allow natural light into the indoor spaces
- There are thorough controls in place to cut down on the energy consumed for lighting purposes (lights on only when necessary, time switches, automation, motion sensors in bathrooms and WCs)
- Special energy-saving lighting fixtures are used
- Only energy-saving and LED lamps are used
Cooling - Heating - Ventilation
- Natural cooling with end-to-end air circulation
- Fresh air inlet, which means that the air inside the building is always high quality
- Ventilation and air conditioning provided by integrated DAIKIN systems
- Thermal-break double glazing
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