The Dialysis Centre in Elefsina employs four nephrologists and one cardiologist with many years of experience in haemodialysis. The team of physicians working at the centre also includes other specialist doctors such as a neurologist and a vascular surgeon, all with long-standing experience in haemodialysis.
The Dialysis Centre in Keratsini employs six nephrologists and one cardiologist with many years of experience in haemodialysis. The team of physicians working at the centre also includes other specialist doctors such as a neurologist and a vascular surgeon, all with long-standing experience in haemodialysis.
The Dialysis Centre in Athens employs 4 nephrologists, one general internal medicine doctor and one cardiologist, with many years of experience in haemodialysis. The team of physicians working at the centre also includes other specialist doctors such as a neurologist and a vascular surgeon, all with long-standing experience in haemodialysis.
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